04/09/2024. Cultural meetings in the National Library of Karelia
The National Library welcomed guests from Sergey Obraztsov Puppet Theatre – actress Irina Osintsova and Head of the Methodical Department Varvara Korovina. They participated in a guided tour to the National Library, and, during the tour, the collection of tactile books and manuals of the National Library of Karelia, created in a single copy by hand, aroused great interest and admiration among our guests.
At the meeting, Varvara Korovina gave to the National Library books by Andrei Usachev printed in Braille font and large print.
On the same day, the event continued in the specialized (correctional) general education school No. 23, where a workshop by actress Irina Osintsova took place. She brought several dolls with her and told the secrets of their creation. The children enthusiastically took part in improvised games with dolls and performed several short plays.