Kalevala Mosaic. 2014 – 2024
Every year between 28th of February and 9th of April an international marathon Kalevala Mosaic dedicated to the Kalevala epic poem is held in Karelia. On February 28 is celebrated as the Day of Kalevala in Karelia and in Finland.
On February 28, 1835 Elias Lönnrot gave to the printing house the first version of the Kalevala epic poem which was published in 1835-1836 in two books in circulation of 500 copies. On April 9 is Elias Lönnrot’s (1802-1884) birthday, who was an outstanding Finnish literary figure, scientist, poet and doctor by profession. Lönnrot made a grandiose work for collecting folklore and the Kalevala epic poem. In 1828 - 1845 he made eleven trips to Finnish and Russian Karelia, got acquainted with rune-singers of these places. He managed to record about sixty thousands poems and many fairytales, proverbs, riddles and spells.
International cultural marathon Kalevala Mosaic 2024
27/02/2024 The Kalevala Days in Moscow
The National Library of Karelia presents the Kalevala Days in Moscow at the Rossija International Expo and Forum at VDNKH.
The Read Streets like Books project did not ignore the Kalevala mosaic festival. On March 10, a walking tour The Kalevala on the Map of Petrozavodsk was held for residents and guests of the city. On the trip, we got to know the streets, monuments and places of remembrance related to the epic poem.
On March 31, the participants of the Folklore Petroskoi tour visited memorial sites related to the memory of Arhiippa Perttunen, the well-known poet singer of the Kalevala epic, researcher, folklorist and Kalevala compiler Elias Lönnrot, and music heritage collectors V. Gudkov and V. Malmi.
10/04/2024. Storytellers of Karelia: Family Traditions Transmitted by Word of Mouth
An educational program “Storytellers of Karelia: Family Traditions Transmitted by Word of Mouth” took place.
International cultural marathon Kalevala Mosaic 2023
The National Library of Karelia invites to take part in events of the annual cultural festival Kalevala Mosaic dedicated to the Karelian and Finnish epic poem Kalevala.
On February 27: “Kalevala – progam Let’s Read the Runes of Kalevala”
A traditional Kalevala event – progam “Let’s Read the Runes of Kalevala”. This day, a literary and musical program “The Music of the Word: Kalevala translated by L. P. Belsky Celebrates 135th Anniversary” will be held.
The participants of the meeting will listen about Leonid Belsky, the first translator of the complete edition of the epic poem into Russian, and numerous editions of the classic talented translation of Kalevala. The runes of the epic poem will be performed in the languages of the world, and both professional and young performers will act as rune singers.
On March 9: a video lecture “Kalevala in Cinema”
The Karelian and Finnish epic poem Kalevala is a visiting card and the pride of the national culture of Karelia. Since its publication, this great book has inspired translators, writers, artists, musicians and, of course, filmmakers. Some of them create feature films, others - popular science films and documentaries, and some – sand animations. The participants in the meeting will see excerpts from the best films of the world cinema based on the world-famous Kalevala epic poem.
On March 26: an intellectual walk "Kalevala on the Map of the City of Petrozavodsk"
The Karelian and Finnish Finnish epic poem Kalevala is an immortal poetic creation of our ancestors, which inspires artists, composers, architects, directors and theatre and cinema actors. The participants will have an opportunity to see the streets, monuments, sculptures and institutions of Petrozavodsk, created and named after the epic poem and its heroes.
On March 30: a video lecture “Kalevala on the Map of the World”
The listeners of the lecture will travel to the hometowns of the rune singers of the epic poem, along the routes of the expeditions to the territory of Karelia, Finland, and Estonia made in 1828 – 1844 by Elias Lennrot, Finnish scientist, folklorist and doctor.
During the lecture, photos and videos from the collection of Russian, Karelian and Finnish television will be shown
The geography of memorable places of Kalevala is very extensive: Karelia, Leningrad region, Tver region, Estonia, Finland and even New Zealand.
We invite everyone to touch the runes of the world-famous Kalevala and learn about the bright facets of the epic poem.
International marathon Kalevala mosaic 2022
On February 28, the International Kalevala Day, the cultural and educational program Elias Lönnrot. Trips to Karelia was held in the National Library of Karelia. During the program, the visitors made a virtual expedition to the rune singers’ villages and memorable places of Elias Lönnrot, a scientist-folklorist, writer, doctor and the creator of the Kalevala epic poem.
On March 1, a new Kalevala publication and a book «Rune Tales» (a collection of runes by Arkhippa Perttunen retold and adapted for children) were presented. The books are illustrated by Dmitry Dmitriev (Periodika Publishing House).
On March 26, a creative meeting with Anna Tilles - the author of the book Mother Ihuola's Advice with beautifull illustrations by Marina Gorshkova. This book tells about Karelian traditions, folklore, and the richest heritage of Karelia.
On March 30, as a part of the Children's Book Week, the participants of the educational program Birchbark Path were able to transform into folk craftsmen and try their hand at birch bark weaving, learn a lot of interesting facts about folk crafts in Karelia.
On March 30, a video lecture dedicated to Elias Lönnrot's 220th birthday was held at the National Library of Karelia on a traditional local history event.
In February and March, the employees of the National Library of Karelia organized creative play programs in schools no. 35 and 55 and in the Finno-Ugric school of Petrozavodsk . Children can imagine themselves as heroes of the Kalevala epic, took place in virtual trips to the history of Karelia, got to know national costumes and Karelian musical instruments.
On April 9, the festival culminated in a video lecture on the topic Kalevala in cinematography.
International marathon Kalevala mosaic 2021
2021 is declared the Year of Karelian Runes in the Republic of Karelia
Karelian runes are the most valuable genre of folk art in Karelia. Epic songs originate in ancient times, they existed among the people of Karelia for centuries and reflected their spiritual and material culture.
They were performed without musical accompaniment or with accompaniment of the national Karelian instrument kantele. Storytellers passed the runes orally from generation to generation. Some of the epic songs were forgotten, others were again composed by rune singers, the best and the most original ones were preserved in the oral poetry of the people. The Karelian runes were the folklore basis for the epic poem Kalevala, compiled in the 19th century by the Finnish scientist, folklorist, linguist and poet Elias Lönnrot.
On February, 24 to the opening of the Year of Karelian Runes in Karelia a conversation Storytellers and Rune Singers of Kalevala will be held in the form of podcast.
On February, 25, the National Library of Karelia will open the Year of Karelian Runes.
On the Year of Karelian Runes and in the framework of the annual Kalevala Marathon the National Library of Karelia will organize a cycle of creative programs.
On February, 28 Literary evening Let’s Read the Kalevala
During the meeting, participants will get acquainted with names of famous collectors of folklore and storytellers of Karelia of the XIX-XXI centuries. Besides, the Kalevala epic poem will be read in Russian, Mari, English and the national languages of Karelia.
On March, 18 Video lecture Kalevala in Cinema
Demonstration of the best world films in various genres, based on the world famous epic poem Kalevala. The lecture will be accompanied by a photo gallery of directors and actors and videos from films.
On March, 29 Excursion Kalevala on the Map of Petrozavodsk in the framework of the project Read Streets as Books.
On April, 9 Lecture Kalevala on the Theater Stage in the podcast format (to the birthday of the scientist and folklorist E. Lönnrot)
A story about the main performances based on the epic poem Kalevala and staged by the leading theaters and folklore groups of Petrozavodsk.
On April 4, Podcast Kalevala on the Theater Stage
In 2021, the project The traditions of ancestors are kept here… has been implemented.. These lines from the anthem of the Kalevalsky National Municipal District reflect the enduring value of the world-famous Kalevala epic, which is the cultural code of Karelia.
As part of the project, prepared and published:
- A series of video lectures Storytellers and Rune Singers of the Kalevala (in Russian)
- Virtual tour Kalevala on the map of Karelia
Kalevala through the lens of photographers
In February, the National Library of Karelia presented the exposition Unlocking the Codes of Kalevala - a collective exhibition of photographers living in Petrozavodsk and elsewhere. How can the stories of heroes about whom rune singers compose their poetic texts be attractive today? What is compelling about their fate? What signs and secrets can a modern person see in these messages from the ancestors?
For their research, the photographers have chosen both epic plots and seemingly small details such as objects, factures, colors, smells and tastes.
International marathon Kalevala mosaic 2020
In honor of the 185th anniversary of the publication of the first edition of the Kalevala epic.
On February 24, 2020 Premiere on the library stage: Kalevala. 1st rune. Birth of the world
The National Library of Karelia held a premiere of the choreographic composition Kalevala. 1st rune. Birth of the world. Librarians, artists, musicians worked on the performance. On the stage, a synthesis of arts - choreography, animation, live music - was presented, and the audience welcomed it with great enthusiasm. During the performance, a live broadcast was conducted, so the action could be watched in real time anywhere in the world. The libretto was written by Yana Zhemoytelite, a writer, an employee of the National Library of Karelia.
On February 29, 2020 A literary and musical program about the translators of the Kalevala epic was held in honor of the 185th anniversary of the publication of the first edition of the Kalevala.
The audience was presented photos and videos that tell about the translators, whose scientific knowledges and poetic talent help readers from different parts of the world to acquaint with the wonderful poetry of Kalevala. The runes of the epic in the languages of the world were performed by a variety of people - professional artists, teachers and students, librarians and musicians.
On March 11, 2020 Video lecture Kalevala on the world map took place in the National Library of Karelia. Listeners of the lecture made an exciting virtual journey to places dedicated to the great book, which is part of the golden fund of world literature. The geography of memorable places of the Karelian-Finnish epos Kalevala is very extensive: Karelia, Leningrad region, Tver region, Estonia, Finland and even New Zealand. The lecture was decorated with photos and videos from the fund of Russian, Karelian and Finnish television.
International marathon Kalevala mosaic 2019
In honor of the 170th anniversary of the publication of the second supplemented edition of the Kalevala epic.
On Kalevala day, February 28 the National Library of Karelia invited to participate in a traditional literary and musical event in honor of the 170th anniversary of the publication of the second supplemented edition of the Kalevala epic.
There showed a gallery of Karelian poets and storytellers of the 18th-20th centuries, photos, videos from Soviet Karelia - a review of news from the collection of the National Archives of Karelia and documentaries from the Karelian television company.
After that the audience listened to audio recordings of Kalevala poems performed by storytellers, and students of Petrozavodsk State University performed poetry in Russian and German.
A musicologist and a teacher at the Petrozavodsk State Glazunov Conservatorie Igor Solovjov performed the White Sea Karelian poems to the accompaniment of kantele. The creative program of the event included unique photos taken by the Finnish journalist Into Konrad in Karelia in 1894.
A literary and musical performance based on the poem Kantele by the Karelian folk writer Jaakko Rugojev was dedicated to the important symbol of the Kalevala. Employees of the National Library of Karelia took part in it.
On February 28, 2019: Programs for children on Kalevala Day
On February 28 the opening of the exhibition Kalevala in petroglyphs and nature by the artist Ilya Padchin took place in Petrozavodsk.
On March 6, 2019 - Video lecture Kalevala in the art of cinema
Description of the world films about Kalevala and screening of excerpts from the Soviet Karelia TV-magazine videoos.
On March 17, 2019 -Tour Kalevala on the map of Petrozavodsk of the project Read the streets like books!
On March 20, 2019 - Video lecture Kalevala in the art
A story about the well-known artists and composers of the Kalevala, as well as a presentation of musical works and electronic copies of the paintings.
The performance of the sand animation called Kalevala (Darja Trifonova, music V. Sergeenko)
On March 27, 2019 - Video lecture Kalevala on the world map
The story about the world’s memorial places, which are related to the characters and heroes of the Kalevala epic and to a Finnish researcher, folklore compiler, editor, and author of the epic Elias Lönnrot and to storytellers.
On April 9, 2019 Video lecture Kalevala on the theatre stage
An overview of the plays of Karelian theaters and folklore studios, videos from the Soviet Karelia TV- magazine and excerpts from the plays are presented.
An exhibition of copies of paintings by an Estonian artist Jury Arrak from the library's collection.
International marathon Kalevala mosaic 2018
On February 28, 2018:
The National Library of Karelia gathered together admirers and friends of the Karelian-Finnish epic poem Kalevala.
In Russia Year 2018 is dedicated to the art of ballet dance. Therefore, the program Kalevala on the Theatrical Stage presented the main performances based on the epic poem and made by the leading theatrical and folk groups of Petrozavodsk, besides the stories from the newsreel "Soviet Karelia" and fragments from performances were shown.
Natalia Galtsina, Candidate of Art History, ballet critic, Honored Artist of Russia and Karelia, shared her memories of those who created the legendary ballet Sampo, which is a part of the golden fund of Karelian art. In 1986, she was awarded the honorary title of Laureate of the State Prize of Russia named after M. I. Glinka for creating bright images of the ballet Sampo.
The part of the program was the music of Kalevala. A unique North Karelian rune On the Birth of the Fire was performed and accompanied by a kantele by a teacher at the Petrozavodsk State Glazunov Conservatorie Igor Solovyov. Musician Yevgeny Shokhov played songs based on the epic poem and created by him in the creative tandem with the People's Writer of Karelia Armas Mishin. Besides illustrations made by the Kalevala artist Vladimir Lukkonen were shown during the performance.
The representatives of national societies of Petrozavodsk read runes of Kalevala epic poem in Georgian, Ukrainian, Greek and Mari languages.
The program was created with the support of the Administration of the Petrozavodsk City District, the National Archive of the Republic of Karelia, the Musical Theater of the Republic of Karelia, the National Theater of the Republic of Karelia and the Puppet Theater of the Republic of Karelia.
On April 17, 2018:
The National Library of Karelia held a literature event I Sing this Song to the Land of Kalevala dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the People's Writer of Karelia Jakov Rugojev.
International marathon Kalevala mosaic 2017
The Living Kalevala – new tour around Petrozavodsk
In celebration of Elias Lönnrot’s 215th birthday, the National Library of Karelia has organized the first in the history of the library bus tour called Kalevala on the map of Petrozavodsk.
Kalevala-epos days in Tver
On March 5, the Kalevala Day was celebrated in the ballroom of the Gorki’s Tver Regional Universal Research Library as part of the Towards Each Other program.
Schoolchildren from Syktyvkar listened to Kalevala poems and kantele playing
On March 1, a cultural and educational event Kalevala in children’s art was held in the meeting hall of the Finno-Ugric Cultural Center of the Russian Federation in Syktyvkar. The event was dedicated to Kalevala Day and the 215th birthday of Elias Lönnrot, the compiler, editor, and author of the epic.
Let’s Read the Runes of Kalevala
On February 28, 2017, the National Library of Karelia held a creative program Let’s Read the Runes of Kalevala. The Kalevala epic was read in Russian, Finnish, Karelian and Veps languages.
International marathon Kalevala mosaic 2016
Kalevala epos in film art
On February 29, 2016, at the National Library of Karelia, during the International Kalevala Mosaic Cultural Marathon, a video lecture was held on the subject of Kalevala epos in film art. According to the tradition, every year the marathon begins on February 28 on Kalevala Day and ends on April 9 on Elias Lönnrot’s birthday. An audience watched fragments of the world’s best films, based on the world-famous epic Kalevala.
The future teachers of the Komi Republic got acquainted with the Kalevala epos – the biggest inheritance of Finno-Ugric peoples.
A cultural and educational event was held at the Kuratov’s Humanistic and Pedagogical College in Syktyvkar. The meeting took place on the eve of Kalevala Day, which is celebrated on February 28. This event was held by the employees of the Finno-Ugric Cultural Center of the Russian Federation.
International Kalevala Day was celebrated in Tver on February 28, 2016.
The Tver regional youth public organization on preservation of a cultural heritage Tver the Karelian has gathered its friends for the fifth time at the Gorki’s Tver Regional Universal Research Library to celebrate International Kalevala Day.
Kalevala poem in different languages of the world
On March 24, the National Library of Karelia held a literary event on the topic Runes of Kalevala in the Languages of the World.
In 2015 the 180th anniversary of the first edition of the Kalevala was celebrated
On the 27th of February a new edition of the Kalevala epic poem in the North Karelian was presented in the National Library of the Republic of Karelia.
The presentation was organized by the Karjalan Sivistysseura (“The Society for Promotion of the Karelian Culture”), the Petrozavodsk office of the Consulate General of Finland, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Karelia and the National Library of the Republic of Karelia.
In 2014, the 165th anniversary of the publication of the complete edition of the Kalevala in Finnish was celebrated
The program prepared for the Kalevala Day was held at three venues: the Puppet Theatre of the Republic of Karelia, the National Library of the Republic of Karelia, and the Joensuu Regional Library.
Publications of the Karelian-Finnish epic poem Kalevala

Kalevala in the world languages. The list of translations of Kalevala into different languages of the world except Russian from the collection of the National Library of the Republic of Karelia
Kalevala in Ukrainian Two editions of the epic poem in Ukrainian from the collection of translations of Kalevala into different languages.
Virtual exhibitions dedicated to the Karelian-Finnish epic poem
The materials for the virtual gallery were collected from different sources. But all of them are based on the Kalevala, that was born over many centuries and was collected in the 19th century and since the publication has been the source of inspiration for artists, writers and composers.
The Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Karelia opened the exhibition Kalevala Modern View, dedicated to the 180th anniversary of the first Kalevala (1835). This is a great international project supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Karelia and also Finnish partners: the Arts Promotion Centre of Northern Ostrobothnia and Kainuu, the Arts Promotion Centre of Lapland, the Arts Promotion Centre of North Karelia.
Kalevala through the Eyes of Russian Artists
The exhibition Kalevala through the Eyes of Russian Artists is a joint project of the Finnish Kalevala Society and the Institute of Finland in St-Petersburg. Especially for this project artists created their works based on the Karelian-Finnish epic poem. The exhibition consists of works by seven authors. Among them there are Igor Baranov, Aleksandr Novoselov, Tatiana Chursinova from St-Petersburg, Sergey Terentiev, Antonina Jufa, Natalia Egorova from Petrozavodsk and Natalia Zatulovskai.
Igor Gashkov. Runes of Kalevala embodied in a tree
The exhibition prepared by the Vyhod Media Center presents the Kalevala epic in wood carvings by a famous Petrozavodsk artist Igor Gashkov. The Kalevala-themed collection is one of the most unusual and original examples of how a poetic texts are interpreted in Karelian art.
Vladimir Fomin. The Kalevala series
This virtual gallery contains some of the works of an artist Vladimir Fomin, which is illustrated of the Kalevala epic. He came to Karelia in 1992, and here the artist created his most famous series of works: Vepsskaya, Kizhi, Kalevala and others. In the rating of the International Data Bank of Contemporary Art, Vladimir Fomin is in the top ten of the best contemporary artists of Russia and among the 100 geniuses of the world of the 20th and 21st centuries.
Kalevala and other themes in works of Tamara Jufa
Kalevala-themed paintings and book graphics are the golden collection of the Karelia Museum of Arts. Tamara Jufa has filled the ancient songs of the Karelians and Finns and the powerful and mysterious world of stories with a living feelings of love and compassion for the heroes of the epic. He was interested in dreamy, insidious and inconsolable female characters who selflessly fight for their lives and love and suffer: Aino, Pohjola's bride, Louhi-witch, Aino's mother, Lemminkäinen's mother...
Kalevala by Boris Akbulatov
Boris Akbulatov is a well-known graphic artist, painter and book artist in Karelia. He has participated in Soviet Union, Russian, regional, republican and international exhibitions. He has been a member of the Art Association since 1977 and he is Honored artist of the Republic of Karelia. One of the main themes of his works is The myths of Kalevala. The artist started illustrating the epic in 1985, when the 150-year-old Kalevala was celebrated.
Many of the pictures of the artist Vitali Dobrynin from Kalevala- urban locality are based on the Kalevala epic, but they are often outside the usual illustration and appeal to us, the viewers of the 21st century. Karelian journalist Dmitri Moskin wrote: The artist's paintings sound like the sound of a chanter, the lapping of river water, the rustling of tree leaves. His paintings give strong energy, show the viewer the depth of life and the truth of art.