09/01/2023. Read Streets like Books! Walking excursions for all lovers of Petrozavodsk history
During the New Year and Christmas holidays, excursions of the Read the Streets like Books project were held for all lovers of the history of Petrozavodsk.
In the new year, the first route of the walking excursion dedicated to the local history was along one of the oldest streets of Petrozavodsk – Sobornaya Street (Eng. Cathedral Street). Walking along the street that connects the city centre with the embankment of Lake Onega, the participants of the excursion learned why the Peter and Paul Church is a “new-style” temple, where the first hotel of Petrozavodsk was located, as well as many other interesting facts from the history of the city and the street.
Another tour along the Folklore Petrozavodsk route was dedicated to the most valuable part of national culture – Karelian folklore.
Local history walking excursion took place in virtual and real formats. On the premises of the National Library, the participants were presented with photographs from the collections of the National Library of Karelia and the National Archives of Karelia, videos of the Karelian television, as well as videos created by the National Library.
On the streets of the city, the sightseers visited the places of memory of Irina Fedosova, folk poetess and the performer of lamentations and spiritual verses; Ivan Ryabinin, storyteller of Zaonezhye, who preserved the bylinas in his repertoire, and also the collectors of the unique folklore of Karelia.
During the tour, participants heard excerpts from the folklore texts of the performers of Karelian epic runes, Russian bylinas, lamentations and fairy tales.
Walking excursions are of great interest to young and adult tourists.
Read the Streets like Books project continues and involves the development of new excursion routes around the city. We look forward to meeting with lovers of the history of Petrozavodsk!
Information and registration for excursions by phone: 78-28-76 (multi-channel), add. 141.
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