20/03/2020. The employees of the National Library took part in the work of the IX Congress of Karelians of the Republic of Karelia (Karjalan Tazavallan karjalazien IX kerähmö)
The employees of the National Library: the Scientific Secretary V. P. Lapichkova and the Head of the Department of National and Local Literature and Bibliography A. D. Larionov took part in the IX Congress of the Karelians of the Republic of Karelia (Karjalan Tazavallan karjalazien IX kerähmö), which was held on March 14-15 in Olonets. The delegates of the congress discussed the preservation of the Karelian language and culture.
Being the largest book depository of the Republic of Karelia, the National Library provides access to literature and resources in the Karelian language. The library stores more than 3 thousand copies of publications in the Karelian language. These publications can be found in the Department of National and Local Literature and Bibliography.